Lazy GF Animated Poses (Nitro Free)
If you have any issues with unity or this product please join my server here for help!
These poses are animated and seamlessly looped. Standard comprehension of unity is recommended.
You must credit me with a link to my product as well as my discord (saharavr) if you use these in your work.
My Terms of Service:
Upon purchasing any product created by saharavr@discord (, you have agreed to adhere to the ToS as stated below.
Understand that failing to do so will result in prompt legal action. This may include but is not limited to fines, DMCA takedown, and being blacklisted.
1. You may not redistribute/share/rip/leak any of my products. This includes uploading them to other people's accounts.
2. You may not request a refund or attempt to backcharge me as the following information is listed upon purchase and you have waived the right to a refund.
3. You may not reuse or edit any part of my work into your own work for any use.
4. Do not claim my products as your own/made by you etc. You MUST credit me if you use any of my assets.
5. You may not use any of my products outside of VRC without permission from me.
6. If you are utilising my avatar for social content eg. Tiktok, you must credit me properly using my shop link ( and my discord (saharavr)
7. Under no circumstances may you make my avatars public or share or trade them.
8. My avatars are my original characters, thusly my Intellectual Property(IP), copying them directly/heavily referencing them will result in a DMCA takedown.